beautiful underwaterworld

08.June 2011 - Exmouth

The best thing to do in Exmouth is of course snorqueling :o)
After learning from my travelmate Judith how to handle the equipment to have a relaxed tour under water without drinking litres of saltwater the yellow snorquel monster (me) could start...
Drifting along with the current over green, brown and purple corals I swam with lots of noisy fish in all colours and seizes. Yes, fish biting in corals do a lot of noise!
I saw some starfish and a lot of purple seaedges and have even been so lucky to meet some rays, an octopus, reefsharks and a dugong (seacow). She crossed our way very calm, looked at us and went away :o)
And what a luck we missed the experience to be the menue for a 13foot (about 4 metres) long tigershark that made his way near one of the beaches, just when we were entering the water...