[feature] Feed RSS

30th Nov. 2007 | trackback

not available in EnglishFinally they are here, the RSS-Feeds for every user! Typing http://www.mymapblog.com/rss/username you will find all the entries made by this user as a RSS 2.0 Feed. So you do not have to visit a blog three times a day to be up to date, but your own feed aggregator will do so for you and inform you about any changes.
For example in Firefox you are able to display your RSS-Feed as a dynamic bookmark and all WordPress Users can add their Feed with three clicks as a sidebar-widget.

This are just two examples, the use of Feeds is endless, so give it a chance.

one comment zu "[feature] Feed RSS"

  1. [...] has been some time now since we started supplying RSS-Feeds Now there is some new Feature that makes following a myBlog easier: mailing-lists. That means a [...]

    on the 19th Apr. 2008 at 06:14 pm